Saturday, June 21, 2008

Even more interesting, at least I think!

So wow. Thursday morning a lady from the Denver Academy of Court Reporting calls me and wants to talk to me about teaching sometime in the future at their school. I missed the call because I was indisposed, but she said to call her back. I probably wouldn't be able to get ahold of her Thursday, but try, and then try Friday again. I didn't get ahold of her Thursday. I spent the whole day a ball of nerves. It was actually pretty crazy. All these thoughts kept going through my mind. What if Denver is where I'm supposed to go? What would I do without my friends being 10 minutes away? Could I leave my family? I was also thinking that since she called me back so quickly that they were needing someone by the June 30 date that she had spoke of in her email. I don't know about you, but when I get stressed my stomach gets unsettled and stays that way for a while. Not a fun time.

So I finally get myself calmed down enough to figure out that I'm overreacting (also with the help of talking to some friends that said I'm overreacting) and also with the help of some medicine to help stop my "stomachache." Then I call this lady again on Friday morning. We start out the conversation with her asking me where exactly Fairfield is in Illinois because she grew up in Belleville/St. Louis area. How crazy is that The good part is is that they're covered for this June 30 quarter. Let me tell you a little bit about this job. This is the really good part. Monday - Thursday 8:15 - 1:30 and Monday - Wednesday 5:45 - 9:30, some combination of that. It consists of 30 hrs of teaching and 10 hrs of prep time. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off every week. Every three months there's a week off. Basically, if I'm short on cash, I can work part-time somewhere over the weekend. If I'm homesick, I've got three-day weekends and a week off every three months. Sounds pretty cool to me.

The base salary is just a little more than I'm making here, though, is the only problem. I don't know if it's negotiable or not. I haven't got that far in talking to the lady. There are benefits, which I've never had before, so I don't know how that would factor into the equation. The main extra expense would be the apartment and utilities, of which I'm paying none now, but I'd be losing a lot of gas expense, which would be really good. Maybe I could get a few bills paid off and save a couple hundred dollars a month, which would be really good. The main thing I keep going back to now, though, is that I make more than enough money now to pay my bills. The problem is is that it's never steady income. This would be steady and a little bit more money. I've got a number-cruncher friend. We're going to sit down and figure some stuff out and really see what I'm looking at in terms of how much it would take to move out there and what I would need in reserve until I could get my first paychecks rolling in.

Anyway, it's an interesting situation. It's exciting and terrifying all in the same little email and phone call. I know I'm strong enough now to be able to move out there on my own. I also know you all would always take me back here if it didn't work, so that's good. I'd appreciate you keep on praying for me 'cause I just need to dig into this. Even if it doesn't work out into anything, this is something I need to look into. Thanks for listening to my discombobulated thoughts. I've gotta go now...I think the medicine's wearing off! ;-)

1 comment:

nfb said...

As I'm sure you and your number crunching friend will should definitely consider the entire package.

Base Salary is usually what, 60-70% of your overall compensation when you factor in everything else. Maybe less.

Unless you work at Geff Grade School. ;)