Wednesday, May 28, 2008


I'm trying to keep this thing updated, but I can't seem to get a handle on it right now. Things are busy in Julietown. For right now, though, I can't decide if I want the title of this blog to describe the pain in my neck and back or the pain in feel in my wallet while filling up with gas. Honestly, folks, I know I've talked about quitting my job before, but it's going to become a necessity soon, and I didn't want to have to quit my job. I wanted to want to quit my job, if that makes sense. On a bright note, though, I should be a licensed real estate agent within the month. I'm kinda excited about that! Hopefully I can sell a couple houses and pay off some of this debt and relieve this stress in my One really good thing about my chiropractic treatment that I'm receiving right now is she's doing a sinus treatment. I haven't had a sinus headache since I've started getting them, which is a miracle 'cause I was having them EVERY day. Praise God!

Have I mentioned I'm kinda excited about this real estate thing? And by kinda excited I mean ecstatic! God laid this on my heart a year or so ago and I'm finally getting there. That's definitely exciting, you know, the whole God's plans thing. I like to try to head in that direction ;-)

Well, it's late, I'm exhausted, and I've got to go do greeting cards at Wal-Mart tomorrow with a sore neck and back. I'll tell you what, though, life is good. God is good. Gas is freaking expensive, but God is good. Peace out, friends!

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