Sunday, November 02, 2008

that restless stirring

So I've decided I'm going to run away this coming weekend. Don't really know where yet. I'll probably end up in Nashville...sorry Nancy. I don't want to fly 'cause it's only for the weekend and it's a lot of cash that I don't really have extra, so two nights in a hotel and a tank or two of gas will do me just I don't know what it is about me, but I get these restless stirrings quite often. It's like I just want to run away, but not run away if you know what I mean. I just need a break from life in Fairfield, I guess. I want to go where I don't know anyone and probably won't see anyone I know. Before I've never had the extra money to do it, but now I do, so here I head out on my own for a weekend of probably laying in the hotel bed reading and just listening for that still small voice.

Last week marked one year that I've been back at my parents' house. I'd planned on six months, but then changed jobs and changed lives and just am in a better place but still not where I need to be financially to move out on my own. Emotionally, I'm more than least I

Anyway, I'm on the search for a really nice cheap hotel on priceline. I'll let you know how the trip is. I'm taking a photography class, so I'll probably be taking some pictures down there so I'll post them on here. I've got a few I'm going to post for class this week, so that will be looking for the post!


Anonymous said...

you are forgiven shreve. i think restless stirrings are a good thing. that's usually when we hear the best - or at least it is for me. no distractions...just BEING. i think we've forgotten how to be! i'll be praying with you, friend. enjoy! love ya!

NFB in NYC said...

So how was the trip?