Saturday, August 26, 2006


You know what sucks? I know you’re making a mental list right now, but quit that and keep reading this. But what I’m talking about is sin. Sure, it’s fun and sometimes makes you feel better for the moment, but in the end it leaves you empty. And then eventually you’ll have to pay for it later…sometimes literally.
And now you’re like, Well, duh, Jules. Everyone knows that.
I know, and you’re right, but I just realized that that was what I was in the middle of here. I know I’ve talked about my debt and finances and all that stuff before. If you’d had a conversation that lasted over 30 minutes with me, you know about it. Some of you know how it happened, but if you don’t, let me tell you. I call it medicative spending. When my nephew died at 3 ½ months old, well, you can probably guess I was pretty devastated. I had to make myself feel better some way. I chose to pamper myself rather than get in the Word and strengthen my relationship with Christ. Brilliant. Anyway, to make a long story short, now I’m paying for it…literally. Julie, you should be reading and studying. Nah, I think I’ll go buy myself a $700 guitar. I’m serious. This was a conversation I had with myself. I mean, I didn’t specify the price of the guitar in my mind, but that’s how it ended up. I mean, come on!
So, yeah, now I’ve realized that I’m in the midst of the consequences of my sin. I think subconsciously I always knew it, but it just hit me tonight. You know what I mean? So here’s the main point I want to make with this little entry. I made two really major purchases during that time frame. Most of it was stupid little stuff I’ve gotten rid of by now, but I did buy a brand spakin new computer, flat screen and all, and a rockin acoustic guitar. Let me tell you what’s really cool about these purchase and the revelation I had tonight. If I hadn’t bought my computer, I wouldn’t be writing these little entries and maybe touching some unknown life that happens to stumble on my page. I also have to have a computer to work. I wouldn’t be able to make money to pay off all my debts. I did have a computer before, but it crashed three times, so while I did need a new computer, I didn’t need the pimped out one that I got (at the time it was pimped out). God provided a way for me to be able to work hard and get out of this. Anyway, that’s lesson number one.
Revelation number two goes along with my guitar. Now, I don’t play very well, but God’s lead me to be a worship leader at church. The even crazier thing is is that I’m playing the guitar that I bought while I was in the midst of my sin…and He’s using it for His glory. God’s taking the product of my sin and using it for His glory. How cool is that! I’m not saying go out and sin so God can use that for His glory, but today He just spoke a word to me, and it was exactly what I needed to hear. Anyway, I hope this might be a bright spot in your day, too!

1 comment:

Erin Nicole said...

what a beautiful message! thank you for reminding me that God can use my sin for his purpose. what an awesome God he is!
good luck with the financial problems...we are so alike in that way although the reason for spending is a bit different.
and a quick question: did your cell phone number change? i tried to call you this weekend and i got a "not in service" msg. send me an email with your number if you get a chance!
take care!