There is nothing like a good rainstorm in the middle of the summer. I love sitting and just watching the clouds as they roll by, usually a little faster than normal. They’re all big and black, too. It just makes for an awesome sight.
I was watching a rainstorm the other day and it was another incredible sight. However, this time I noticed several layers of clouds that all seemed to be moving, but at slightly varying speeds and maybe a little bit of different directions. There was only one little spot in the sky that I could really make out all these different layers, so I focused on that for a little bit. It seemed that this storm system was several thousands of miles or whatever below the “real” clouds, and this storm system was really the only layer of clouds that we could see except for this little spot in the sky. Up above the system the clouds were still gray, but were just like you see on a slightly overcast day. They weren’t ready to dump any moisture or anything like that, but had the system not been there, it just would have been a regular cloudy day. But the awesome thing was that just for a moment those clouds broke open, and you could see the bright blue sky! It was extra bright against all the darkness of the clouds and the rain that day. It was just so neat that I tried to capture a picture of it on my phone.
You know, sometimes when we’re going through something, all we see is the storm system. It swoops in and seems to overtake our lives for the time that we’re in the middle of the storm, whether it be for a few hours or a few years. But the other day as I was driving and looking at that little spot in the sky I realized that even in the midst of an incredible storm, there’s always peace just waiting in the wings, just behind the clouds.
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