Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Hey, there folks. I guess I still have folks that read this, right? Anywho, nothing and everything has been going on. Went to my 10-year class reunion last weekend. Doesn't seem like it's been that long. I've been working 7 hrs a day at the title company, which I still love, then coming home and working 2 or 3 more on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Tuesdays and Thursdays I'm still doing my greeting cards at Wal-Mart, but I believe I'm going to officially quit that tomorrow. In November I'm going to start working about 20 hrs a week at H&R Block and be the "night manager," I guess. Basically, I'm going to be the only one who has done any taxes before that will be there at night. Good times, huh?

Oh, also, I've started a diet. I'm on week five. As of now I've lost 15 pounds. I started out losing a lot in the first two weeks, and then I started working out and only lost 1 1/2 lbs the next two. I think my muscles were so atrophied that any strength training I could do was going to help and gain me muscle weight. Last week I lost two, so I think I'm at least getting somewhere with it. I've also started running a half mile every morning. I still haven't run the whole thing, but I'm okay with that. I'm to the point now that I don't feel as good if I don't run before I head to work, so I'm counting that as a good thing. Monday, though, I'm starting an actual running plan to be able to run 3 miles in 9 weeks. It's called couch-to-5k, and you can find it on It sounds like a good deal, so I'm at least going to give it a go. I'll let you know how it works!

I'd love to post a before and after picture, but I don't really have any good ones that show me before. I think the one up above is the best one I've it shows my niece! Anyway, as I go along, I'll post some more, but this time I'll pose for

Hope you all are having wonderful Septembers! Isn't this weather fantastic!


Anonymous said...

this folk still reads! :) i'm proud of you! and i got the link for the 5k thingy, too. i'm "checking it out"!!

NFB in NYC said...

Cool Running. How clever