Saturday, January 12, 2008

I'm a little more than useless...

really! Okay, so I borrowed the title from my new favorite Relient K should totally check it out. Actually, tonight I'm pretty useless. I'm so tired, my fingers are falling asleep typing this. I started my first day at H&R Block again this year. I'm going to have to get used to sitting in an office again for 8 hours. Some days I think that's what I want, and some days I don't know what in the world I want. Some days I love being a court reporter like yesterday. Other days I want to be an astronaut. Okay. Not really. I've never wanted to be an astronaut, but I can tell you a million and one ideas that I've had that I've wanted to either do or be when I grow up. I don't think we're really grown up till we're at least 35, so I've got a few more years to figure it all out. I can, however, tell you with 100% certainty that if I could find something to buy and resell on eBay and make $500 a week, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I made $300 last week, but now I'm out of stuff to sell, so then it begins again. I did, however, in my money-making venture clean out a bunch of boxes. I sold all of my baseball cards and my nativity set, so there's a ton of stuff i won't have to move when I move again. That's nice.

Man, I'm tired. I think I'm too tired to keep typing. I'll give you a better update at a later time. So for now, I'm going to go do something right for once because I'm a little more than useless...listen to the song!


Anonymous said...

If you manage to get "grown up" by 35 you will be way ahead of the crowd. By the way,careers like life are a journey. There are a select few that find one profession and stay in it. Some because they settle in and stop growing. Some because there profession allows them to grow. The secret is not in knowing. Only He knows the plans He has for us. The secret is in growing.:)

Julie said...

that was pretty cool...thanks!