Thursday, January 18, 2007


"Little is much when God's in it, and no one can fathom the plans He holds.
Little is much when God's in it. He changes the world with the seeds we sow."

I have more money in my checking account now after the weekend and paying all my bills for the week than I have in a very, VERY long time. I also think all my bills will get paid this month. That hasn't happened in a very, VERY long time.

I had a chat with God the other day on my way into church. Actually it was about two weeks ago. I didn't have the money to tithe and to pay my bills. I just told God that He was going to have to give me a very clear sign that I was supposed to tithe that week. Otherwise, I was going to pay my bills. I just laid it on the line. If He told me to tithe, I would write out the check. If I didn't feel that He was telling me to tithe, I would be able to pay for my gas to get back and forth to Evansville for work.

I was able to do both.

I don't know how He did it, but it was there when I needed it, and my car got incredible mileage that Last week my friend Rebekah and I were talking about tithing and she said that that was the first check she wrote out every time they got paid. It wasn't only the fact that I was tithing, but it was the fact that that was not where my first and best was going. I was giving God what was left. He doesn't want that. What He wants is our first and best...and I'm not just talking about money.

Are you giving God the first and best of you? I can't honestly tell you that I am. I can honestly tell you that I'm trying. Sometimes I am. Sometimes my flesh gets the best of me. It seems like God's been bringing King David up in all my stuff lately...devos, etc. How can David be called a man after God's own heart and be a murderer, an adulterer, and all that he was all at the same time? He was trying. Sometimes he was giving God the first and best. Sometimes his flesh got the best of him.

Now, don't thing I'm comparing myself to King David. I know I'm far from that. All I'm really saying is I'm trying. God takes my little and turns it into much because He can do that if I give him my first and best...and He's going to change the world through me, even though I fall VERY short sometimes, because I keep trying and honestly seeking His will and plan for me.

That's the beauty of Grace and an unending Love.


Amy said...

you're awesome.

Anonymous said...

I'm proud of you!

Unknown said...

wow, this stupid blog has a stupid name now....nice


Herschel said...

im glad you submitted to God...seriously one of the biggest times of growth in my life came when i was titheing...wierd how God works like that--that if we trust him to do what he says, he does it....weird;)

also, i just noticed your name after reading nathan's comment...nice

Bethany at Bethel said...

God has a way doing crazy stuff like giving your car great gas mileage. When we got back from Winter Conference I had to go fill up the van we took and an empty van that would any other time fill for $50 filled for $30. Wow. God rocks my face off.