Monday, January 29, 2007

It's a new dawn. It's a new day. It's a new life for me!

Have I told you lately how awesome God is? I wanted to explain the reason I've changed the name of my blog a little bit and what's been going on in the land of Julieville. I've made some major changes. It all started when I got a letter from one of the two credit card companies that I've got left to pay off. I don't really want to go into the details with you, but let's just say it wasn't a very nice letter. It seems that they wanted money and they wanted it I didn't have. That's a great feeling. Anyway, I talked to a friend about it. To paraphrase, if I may, she told me that she knew I had the faith that God would change my situation, but what was I doing about it? Faith without works is dead. Hmmm...where had I heard that before? Oh, yeah, some guy named James. After talking a little while longer we came up with a decision.

I was going to get another job.

So I started praying and applying for stuff all over...factories, discount stores, distribution name it. Nothing for three weeks. Then all of the sudden things started moving. As I blogged about a week or so ago, this same friend called me, woke me up, and told me to get out of bed and go into town. She had a job for me.

I'd like to tell you what I'm doing now with my time. I'm working as a full-time court reporter. I'm a full-time Arbonne independent consultant. I'm a part-time tax preparer at our local tax preparation chain. And the latest is I'm a merchandiser for American Greetings at our local Wal-Mart (I stock the card section).

I know that's pretty cool that God answered our prayers that way. But here's another very cool little tidbit...about three weeks ago I get a call that wakes me up pretty early. It's from Nielsen Meadia Research, Inc., wanting me to fill out a little diary thing about the amount of TV I watch. At the end of our conversation the lady said, oh, and for agreeing to fill out of survey, we will send you $30 just to thank you in advance for helping us out. I thought, sure. It will be a voucher check for $30 only if I sign up for something. I got my survey thing in the mail today with $30 cash in it. That's right CASH. I mean, you never hear of that. I'm always filling out surveys for Nielsen from now Just a nice little note.

Another thing, since working at the tax chain I am preparing my own Being self-employed I never really wanted to mess with it. I just handed it to a CPA and said here you go. Well, I think that was a mistake. I've found a deduction that I think I can take that I haven't ever taken in the five years I've been filing my self-employment taxes. Everyone I talk to says I can take something off...they're just not sure how much. And I know that's cool, 'cause instead of owing $3,000 to the IRS this year I might just owe $1,500, which would be great. But this is even BETTER...I can go back for the last four years I've filed and amend my returns and get the money back for that deduction I could have taken. My income hasn't changed too much in the last four years, so if I just base everything on what I'm saving this year, I could potentially get $6,000 back from my previous years' taxes. And that's not taking the whole deduction that I think I'm entitled to. That's being careful with the amount I write off. I could pay off SOOOOO much with that money!

Anyway, here's what I wanted to tell you: All my blogs lately have been about learning and growing and experiencing new things in new ways and changing the world. I was put in each of these jobs for a reason. Maybe one was to make sure I get the money back that I'm entitled to. Maybe it's to open my eyes to the reality that I can do the taxes of a single mom of two children who makes less than $18,000 a year and hardly makes it and then in the same day do the taxes of a couple with no children making $75,000 a year and barely making it to realize that it doesn't matter where you're at. There's a struggle. I thought my eyes had been opened to it a while back when I really started getting active about my finances. God put a little idea in my heart about becoming a certified financial counselor and running it as a ministry free of charge. I don't know if that's where He's calling me or not. I think it's something I could really enjoy. But either way, wherever He's leading me, I just want you to know that the light is always there even when it seems so dark that you'll never be able to see again. But once you start "Reaching for the Light," He'll start reaching back for you, ready to show you where to go, full of Love and Grace and Mercy. So here I am, just sitting here typing to you and reaching for the Light.

God Bless,


Jules said...

by the way, the title of the blog is some of the lyrics of a favorite song of mine...if you can name it, you win the prize.

Bethany at Bethel said...

Awesome! It's good to hear how God is working in others lives.

Oh and it's Muse - Feeling Good. I think.

Anonymous said...

Julie- Sounds like you are in a good spot. Congrats. Dawn

Amy said...

It is so good to hear these things. God is awesome!

Dena G said...

Michael Buble, baby!

Stars when you shine
You know how I feel
Scent of the pine
You know how I feel
Yeah freedom is mine
And I know how I feel
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me

And I'm feeling good

Jules said...

It's SOOOOO Michael Buble!! Boo-yeah! Way to go, Dena. You win a pat on the back from me! ;)