Monday, October 16, 2006


What is going on? So I know that the place that we grow is in and through the valley But right now it seems like everyone that I talk to is going through something....right smack dab in the middle of the valley. God has got to be praparing us for something, and I think it's going to be big. Each of us individually in this blogsphere or whatever you want to call it -- at least the blogs I read -- have been talking about valley. My daily e-votion that I get was titled the God of the Valley yesterday. We talked a little bit about valleys in Sunday school and then a lot at Bible study. I think we're all standing in the trenches trying to fight our way up to the top of the mountain.

But here's the thing...even though I'm right in the middle of I step back and look at what's going on -- I mean really step back and sort of disassociate myself with my life for a few seconds -- I see God moving. It kind of makes me excited.

This is where God moves. Nothing grows on the tops of mountains. It's in the valley and during the climb that we notice all of the growth within us and around us. This is where the best pictures are taken. This is where I've felt God move the most in my life. This is the journey.

Yeah, when I'm on the mountaintop, it's nice and awesome and God is real and relevant and did I say awesome? But when I'm in the valley God is real and relevant and awesome and I need Him more. You think that might be the purpose?


agitswhoiam said...

I really needed to read this right now. Thanks Julie.

Herschel said...

you could be onto something Jules...

Dena G said...

God IS moving...I know it. I sense it everywhere. And that's what keeps me hanging on.

I've had this song in my head all day...had to come home and look up the lyrics. It's kinda cheesy, but appropriate nonetheless. :-)

"God on the Mountain"
Life is easy, When you’re up on the Mountain
And you’ve got peace of mind, Like you’ve never known.
But then things change and, You’re down in the valley
Don’t lose Faith for, You are never alone.


For the God on the Mountain, Is still God in the valley
When things go wrong, He’ll make them right
And the God of the good times, Is still God in the bad times
The God of the day, Is still God in the night.

You talk of faith when, You’re up on the Mountain
Oh, but the talk comes so easy, When life’s at its best
But it’s down in the valley, Of trials and temptations
That’s when faith is, Really put to the test.

Amy said...

Awesome Jules. God is definitely moving...I think it's going to be something different this time. ????

Jules said...

I'm ready

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I'm here to post a comment on what you told me you were going to blog about tonight...guess I'll have to wait a little longer, eh?! ;-)

Amy said... that I know Julie's going to blog about something new, I keep checking back to see if it's here. Not yet!!! ;)

Jules said...

well, I didn't get out of the maze until after 10 last night with the youth group and worked all morning, which I wasn't supposed to, and then tonight I'm going to the volleyball game, so it will either be LATE tonight or early tomorrow morning! I promise....start dreaming!