Okay. So I know this is kind of a cheesy title, but it's the title of a book I'm reading right now that's rocking my face off. Honestly, it's going right along with all our Esther studies, I think. Let me quote to you the very first paragraph of the book and then you can see what I mean.
"Every one of us on Planet Earth was created by God to have a dream, a destiny, and a reason for living. When God created you, He needed something done on earth that nobody else could do, so He designed you to do it better than anyone else. There is a certain way you give love that nobody else can duplicate; a certain way you praise God that nobody else can imitate; a certain way you relate to people; a certain way you serve; a particular sense of humor you have; a particular way of singing, telling stories, building a business, designing, or decorating. You add something to this planet that nobody else can add. God receives special pleasure from you that he receives from nobody else."
Now, doesn't that make you want to read this book? Here's another excerpt: "That unique destiny, that dream, that special something you do better than anyone else is meant to change the course of earthly history. Each person has a moment when his or her dream and destiny can literally impact the lives of millions -- perhaps billions -- of people."....."As you walk through life, you have preplanned appointments and opportunities to carry out your destiny in a way that will leave a mark on this planet forever."...."By dreams.....I am referring, rather, to the goals and visions that fire your heart and saturate your soul with joy at the very thought of them. I mean those continuing visions of what you want your life to be at its highest level of fulfillment -- what you want to do, how you want to do it, what kind of person you want to become in the process."
I missed this Sunday school lesson, but I've heard a lot about it from other....God's name for you. God has a name for you that you will hear when it's your time to step into that destiny...your dream, per se. That thing that you just can't let go of no matter how many years you've tried not to think about it. Your name that God has for you is your destiny, from the way I understand it. How cool is that? Whether is be Mother, Father, Missionary, Teacher, Prophet, Soldier...it's your destiny.
In Esther 4:12-14 Mordecai had heard of the plot to wipe out all the Jews in a single day and was obviously devastated. In these verses he's talking to Esther when she tells him that she can't go into the king's presence without an invitation or she will be killed. This is my favorite part in the whole book...
When Esther's words were reported to Mordecai, he sent back this answer: "Do not think that because you are in the king's house you alone of all the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your fathers family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?
If you think that God might be calling you by His name for you, awesome. Who knows that you were born for such a time as this? Step in to His will for you. God has you here for a specific purpose. Maybe you're going to change millions of lives. Maybe you're going to be the mother/father of someone who will change the course of history. Maybe you're going to change the person that's going to reach the world with the Gospel. Maybe, just maybe if God's calling us by His name for us that's what we should step in to.
"Most people don't achieve great dreams. They give up. They fall short. They get off track. They SETTLE. Or....they dream too small." -- John Maxwell in Dare to Dream....then do it. God might be calling you to do something that you think is absolutely crazy. It probably is. But if God's calling you, He's got a specific plan for that to have a part in your life.
"In America and other wealthy countries, oversatisfaction is the rule. People go to great lengths to expand their leisure time, reduce their work hours, and acquire items that help them relax: DVD players, jet skis, second homes, and third automobiles. We have made recreation a way of life.
Nothing is wrong with satisfaction unless you are oversatisfied. God hates it when we become too satisfied and quite pursuing our dream. It's a paradox that Jesus satisfies our souls but also creates a constant dissatisfaction within us to keep us moving forward. The prophet Amos said, "Woe to you who are complacent in Zion (Amos 6:1)" Paul said, "I do not count myself to have apprehended (Phil. 3:13)."
So here's my challenge to you: Don't be complacent. Go out searching for your dream, your destiny, that one thing that you can do better than anyone else out there. Go after your dream. Wage war against the things that challenge or hold you back. Once you step into His will for you, you never know...YOU could change the course of history! Who know but that you were created for SUCH A TIME AS THIS?
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Wow. That did rock my face off. :P You know what? I do believe that God has a specific plan for my life and that I play an important role in the time I have here. The hard part is being able to see that plan and being able/willing to step into it. I think we all WANT to be more than what we are. What I struggle with most, honestly, is how other people view me. I can have all the lofty dreams in the world of what I can do, but it's different when stepping into the crowd of people....having them watch and judge, and me wondering why would anyone think I could do something extraordinary? The truth is, I alone can do nothing, but God can do anything He wants through me. I just need to truly BELIEVE that in my heart.
I want to read that book. =)
Amy's still up at 12:14 a.m.? What is this world coming to? I think I'm going to keep posting along with this book. The chapters are in this order: Discover Your Dream, What is Holding You Back, Cultivate Your Dream, Dream With The Holy Spirit, There's A Miracle Dream In Your House, and Dream For a Lifetime. I'm on Multiply Your Dream. There's like 15 pages of the chapter and then 20 or 25 with study questions...it's rockin'
im pregnant with comments on this but i'm not sure they have gestated long enough.....
was that a bad metaphor?
first comment, on the lighter side....
you said the title was cheesey and it brings a song to my mind....
hersch, you're a dork, but we love you anyway. After your gestation period, bring on the comments
herschel...you've completely ruined this for me, everytime i even come to this blog im singing that song in my mind. good thing i love journey.
so heres a question-
what if my dream is to own my own record company? should I pursue that?
What if my dream is to have the biggest house in my neighborhood?
What if my dream is to have a son or daughter?
What if my dream is to be the pastor of a church?
So, none of those things I listed are in any way bad. I will say that. But something I am wrestling with lately, especially today after watching Invisible Children is this:
Does God really care about if we want to have a bigger house, or more stuff, or a family, or to even be a pastor or whatever it is-when there is so much injustice and suffering in this world?
Should our dream be for hope for the hopeless? Love for the lonely? Food for the hungry? Water for the thirsty? Salvation for the Lost?
Is it right for us as Christians to dream and pursue those dreams when they are clearly for us?
I'm not saying i'm right. I would love some conversation on this. Its just something im wrestling with. I cant justify some things when i see things like the suffering in africa, or even in our own backyard here in america. Something the church ive been going to is doing is called Jesus Prom. They throw a prom for developmentally disabled people and have over a 1000 DD people there and over 1000 people who arent DD to be there and dance with these people and love them and have fun with them and give them a prom. Shouldn't we be dreaming about doing more things like this?
my personal thought on all this is that if this dream is in your heart, it's put in their by God, and he's going to use it to change to world around you. If you dream of a bigger house because that's what God's put in your heart, then He's going to use that maybe to host a small group. If your dream is to own a record company, God's going to use that. If your dream is to go to Africa and bring thousands upon thousands to Christ, God is going to use that.
I also am talking about the dreams that God has placed in you, what you were created for. I have a dream to have a family one day, but if that dream isn't part of God's plan for me, it will be a struggle, but I'd like to think I could give that up for the sake of the call. A quote from the last chapter in the book, I think, sums it all up..."Your dreams can and will change as you mature. As you grow closer to God's heart, the things that matter to Him will matter more to you, and that will cause you to see your goals and objectives differently. Your primary destiny and dream will stay the same, but the other goals and ideas you have will come under closer scrutiny as you trim your life down to the one thing you hope to accomplish."
God wants what's best for us, and whether that's in Africa or here in America with a huge house hosting a small group, or owning a record company and sending money all over the world, as long as it's part of His plan for our lives, I believe that that's what he wants from us...for us to live our lives to the fullest for Him. Am I doing that? No. Am I trying to? I'm getting better, but I still need a ton of work. The point is, I'm still in the race going towards the goal, the one thing that I was created for that I can do better than anyone else. Maybe it's to be a mother. Maybe not. Maybe it's to run a multi-million dollar business. Maybe not. Whatever it is, I'm finding it out. I've got ideas of where God is leading me, but nothing that I know 100% for sure, but I'm searching, and I think that as long as I'm searching and going towards who He wants me to be, I'm on the right track.
***This may be jumbled and not make sense 'cause I'm sick and on cold medicine. I hope it does, but I'll read it tomorrow and see...lol
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