Wednesday, September 20, 2006

50 book challenge?

So how's everyone doing with this challenge? I think at last count I was at 32 or 33. I've got a big stack I'm just ready to read, but time is a little short right now, but I think I'll get it by the end of the year! Way exciting!


NFB in NYC said...

uh...yeah.. I'm doing great...

Herschel said...

um...actually im doing ok i not sure exactly how many but at least 20....maybe a few more....

Dena G said...

Well...I started off really well, but I'm not much of a summertime reader, so I think I'm probably behind at the moment. Fixin' to get back into it, though. ;-)

Geoff said...

50 books in a year? That's a lot of books! You must be crazy. Seriously, though, way to go. That's a big challenge.

Also, thanks for posting on my blog. Tell your friends so people will come by and read my off the wall rants.

Erin Nicole said...

i've posted my most recent musings about the book challenge on my blog.

i suck.