Tuesday, May 02, 2006

and I'm spent

Can I tell you how exausted I am? But can I also tell you how rockin' God is? Well, I've been running and running like crazy and I've just felt wiped out the last week. Anyway, at Young Adult Bible Study I asked for prayer that I would get the rest that I needed. The next day I went to my depositions and then found out the rest of the week was cancelled! Yeah, God! Praise the Lord!

I'm sleeping in!


Jules said...

soon...very soon

Erin Nicole said...

so glad you're getting your rest -- so important, especially when you're doing two jobs and constantly focused on something!

hang in there!

RosieBoo said...

That rocks, Julie. I enjoy those blessings from God, no matter how small or insignificant to to someone else, best of all.

Anonymous said...

Have you given up on this blog???????????????????? It isn't fun to check if there are no updates.