Monday, March 27, 2006

word verification and porn invites

Well, I finally have to do it. I have to turn on my word verification because I got my first solicitation for porn. This is freaking ridiculous. Used to all it would be was about the lumber industry or something stupid like that, but now it's porn, so I must shut down the spammers in my blog world. Anyway, just thought I owed you and explanation to why you have to type in stupid letters every time you want to comment on my blog now. Please don't stop the comments, though!


Erin Nicole said...

won't stop me...almost everyone i know has to have word verification turned on.

Jules said...

thanks! =)

Anonymous said...

oh where oh where has julie gone, it has been over a week.
She must be workin' at home alone,
But her blog does needs a tweek.

I guess no news is good news?